The carat is the unit of measurement for the weight of diamonds. Used since ancient times, it corresponds to 0.2 grams. Different carats lend themselves to different uses. In Turin, Dililla offers a wide and accurate selection of them, in order to fulfil every single wish.
The colour of the diamond, on the other hand, is determined by the genesis and formation process of the gem itself. The presence of different elements within it or the influence of external forces can give it different shades and tints. Classified according to the ‘Cape Series’, subdivided into 23 grades, the colour of a diamond is assessed by our jewellers in Turin according to its nuance, from perfectly colourless (D, Finest White +), rare and lustrous, to warm white with blond nuances (M-Z, Cape to Yellow). Dililla looks at the colouring of its diamonds as an identifying element of their rarity, using only D - E - F colours for its creations.
It takes billions of years for a diamond to be born and take shape. During this long journey into the heart of the earth, matter is subjected to extremely high pressures and temperatures, which give rise to minute characteristics within the gem. Clarity identifies the nature, size and position of these elements, which can influence the path of light within the diamond. Graded on a scale from IF (Internally Flawless), with no visible internal features, to I (Included), with visible internal features, each diamond has a fingerprint that makes it unique.
Dililla Jewellers in Turin selects only the purest diamonds, ranging from IF (Internally Flawless) to VVS (Very Very Slightly Included).
The cut of the diamond refers to its shape, the position of the individual facets, their symmetry and proportion. The rough stone is in fact worked with art and skill to create impeccable angles and proportions to release the gem's full potential. The cut, rated internationally on a scale from Excellent to Poor, does not only represent the quality of a diamond, but also influences its fire, brilliance and vitality of light. For its creations, Dililla chooses only the best cuts, made to maximise the reflection, refraction and dispersion of light within the gem.